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Sheehan Law PLLC

Call For A Consultation (512) 355-0155

  • By: Farren Sheehan, Esq.

The Texas court system consists of five different tiers or levels illustrated graphically at the Texas Courts Online website. This article gives a general overview of each type of trial court, i.e. the courts in which a case begins in Texas and what types of cases each one handles. Sometimes, there may be more than one proper court in which to institute an action. If you have a lawsuit pending against you or are considering bringing one, Austin civil attorney Farren Sheehan offers a case evaluation and will assist you in either choosing the most advantageous court venue available to you, or disputing the choice of your opponent when it makes sense to. Justice Courts The bottom tier of the Texas court system is composed of justice courts, which are also known as justice of the peace courts. Justice courts are primarily governed under Texas Government Code Chapter 27 and…Read More

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