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Sheehan Law PLLC

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How To Avoid An “I Care A Lot” Situation
  • By: Farren Sheehan, Esq.

Sometimes a movie can shake the foundations of established law. Netflix’s new movie I Care a Lot may be one such movie. Not only has the film been a success for Netflix, it has a lot of people rethinking how adult guardianship works. The movie follows Rosamund Pike’s character Marla, who is a professional guardian. She steps in when the court finds that an elderly individual is unable to manage their life. Marla’s job is to help care for elderly people who can no longer care for themselves. Instead, she sells their belongings, forces them into nursing homes and charges her wards outrageous hourly rates. In the end, Marla leaves her wards penniless, with no civil rights, living out the rest of their days in a nursing home. Can This Really Happen To You? This is just Hollywood fiction, right? Surely this couldn’t happen in real life. Unfortunately, predatory professional…Read More

Guardianships For Minor Heirs
  • By: Farren Sheehan, Esq.

Texas law provides that parents are the natural guardians of their children in most instances. However, if the parents die, or if a minor child inherits property, legal action may need to be taken to protect and provide for the children and their assets. In this article we will discuss guardianships for minor heirs. Austin probate lawyer Farren Sheehan can help prepare an estate plan and assist the family with common issues encountered when caring for children, such as guardianships and estate planning. Guardianships Generally A guardianship is a relationship established by a court of law. The relationship is between the person who needs help (ward) and the court-appointed person or entity acting on the ward’s behalf (guardian). Guardianships are court-supervised legal proceedings. For guardianship of a minor in Texas, the court designates a person to make decisions for the child or incapacitated individual and oversees the actions. Guardianships can…Read More

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